
”Luis is a clear channel who opens interdimensionally to allow healing to come through from the higher realms and from the high level spirits, healing masters and sacred beings who inhabit them. I went to him for a long term familial energetic block in my spine, and watched as the work that flows through him opened the subatomic layer of my spine and reactivated the natural spiraling health at that level. When we were done, I felt and still feel, reconfigured in a profound way. I no longer have that blockage. Wholeheartedly I recommend his work.”

Linda A, High level healer, ceremonialist, transformational facilitator with over 20years experience

“ Luis brings an uplifting and safe container to the space for journeying  , honoring the directions and the spirit protectors of the lands while asking permission to guide us into the realm of spirit, which is a very important key note for myself in feeling  open and being able to going deep in any Ceremony. 

- Morales also welcomes a  warm, joyous and soulful  Spirit to the drum journey , fanning the flame of stillness & self inquiry deepening how the journey relates  in our life Presently;  weaving it through our set intentions  prior . Extracting and integrating the medicine of our experience. He shares his heart and his presence to all beings in the circle in a humbled way~

- I highly recommend a Journeying with Luis if you are simply curious about the spirit realm and its possibilities in aiding in ones life and/or if one has some deep burning questions inside oneself to ask spirit . This is a phenomenal tool to receive Guidance and clarity and Luis he brings celebration to this healing ceremony .”

— Sean H, Ojai, CA

“Luis has a talent for using his intuition to catalyse healing energies within. He listened patiently to what I felt needed attention and release in my being. I loved the alchemy of massage, sound healing, reiki and crystals to help me find peace within for healing to take place.

The massage was really relaxing and helped release stress and tension. His touch was calming and helped me tune into my body's messages. The toning and singing bowls helps me access my inner wisdom and guidance. And the crystals helped move the energy and align me. I felt like I remembered some simple truths during the session that were affirming and inspiring. Overall, I felt that the session was filled with care and intension and look forward to treating myself and my loved ones to more healing sessions with Luis.”

— Veronika T

Mathew, 39

“ Luis presents a very thorough and heart-felt experience when it comes to the Reiki attunement.  For me, the energy of the reiki in the space was palpable.  He seems to have a very deep connection with the Reiki energy.  He provides several exercises and meditations (that he uses himself) that really help with the integration as well as the maintenance and activation of the Reiki energies during and post attunements.  I can tell that he truly cares and takes his responsibilities as Reiki Master very seriously.  He does his best to pass on the lineage in the best way he knows how.  I did Reiki I and Reiki II with him as a refresh of my attunements I had gotten in my early 20’s and since neglected.  He provided so much more background history and tools than my fist teacher.  Also he is a very open-minded individual and will entertain a lot of different kinds of inquiries and questions around the Reiki story, philosophy, techniques, integration, and usage.  He has a pretty consistent and varied history of spiritual work and exploration, and as a result, he has the knowledge and awareness to be able to work with people with a large variety of spiritual and religious backgrounds.  Super grateful to have worked with him for my Reiki I and II and looking forward to working with him for my Reiki Master.  If I can become even half the Reiki teacher he is I would feel pretty good about how I am going about things. “

Lauren , Ashland, OR

“Reiki Level I was an amazing course! After Luis worked with me, I felt a new mode of perception had opened up - everything seemed clearer. His course was incredibly in depth, well taught, and the hands-on experience with the others in class was unforgettable. Luis' approach was perfect for the different levels of understanding within the course - there were some of us who had reiki healing before and others who had no idea what reiki was. 

I would not only highly recommend Luis to anyone looking to learn Reiki, but I am also looking forward to taking some of his future courses and offerings. Thank you!”