What is your Spirit calling you towards?

Create a sacred container to drop in and really listen to what Spirit is speaking to you.

The practice of journeying with the drum to receive insight, engage in healing, and communicate with Spirit has been around for centuries in many cultures across the world.


The Shamanic Drum Journey

is a practice of healing, empowerment and illumination. For centuries shamans have been journeying with the help of the drum for healing, divination, and spiritual growth. To the beat of the Sacred Drum we will embark on a healing journey to the Spirit World, where the benevolent Angels, Guides, Teachers, Sprit Animals, and Ancestors reside to support you in your intention for self growth. There we will release and recieve the blessings and insights that illuminate and further propel us on our path to living our highest truth

Sacred Compassionate Container


In this ceremony we will go over the three worlds of the shamanic journey space. You will have an opportunity to learn how to connect and journey into the middle, lower, and upper worlds. This will be an opportunity to connect to a power animal, meet a spirit guide or teacher, connect to the wisdom of the Earth, stars and planets, to do some personal healing work, as well as to connect with the Archangels and the Ascended Masters whose mission is aligned with service to humanity.

We will invite the benevolent beings of the seven sacred directions in before the journey to help guide our way and encircle us in a shield of light and healing.

After the journey there will be time to share of and integrate your experience. Luis will be available after the workshop as well to be a listening ear to any who need space held for their process. If time allows we will share some prayer songs before closing the sacred space and sending the helping spirits back home.


“Luis brings an uplifting and safe container to the space for journeying , honoring the directions and the spirit protectors of the lands while asking permission to guide us into the realm of spirit, which is a very important key note for myself in feeling open and being able to going deep in any Ceremony.
- Morales also welcomes a warm, joyous and soulful Spirit to the drum journey , fanning the flame of stillness & self inquiry deepening how the journey relates in our life Presently; weaving it through our set intentions prior . Extracting and integrating the medicine of our experience. He shares his heart and his presence to all beings in the circle in a humbled way~
- I highly recommend a Journeying with Luis if you are simply curious about the spirit realm and its possibilities in aiding in ones life and/or if one has some deep burning questions inside oneself to ask spirit . This is a phenomenal tool to receive Guidance and clarity and Luis he brings celebration to this healing ceremony . " ~ Sean H. Ojai, California