Dream Through Drumming Immersion

Dream through Drumming Immersion

The shamanic journey space calls upon and activates our meditative consciousness, as well as our deeper layers of imagination. In order to bring forth new creations in the world it requires that we open our awareness. This allows the expansion of our awareness beyond what we have previously experienced on a conscious level.

~ New realities are birthed into form through conscious dreamers, dreaming the new world into being. ~

This is a 4 session immersion, the 5th session is the graduation ceremony homework. Here the student, journeys with their guides to receive an initiation ceremony for themselves and their next phase of soul embodiment.

Before we begin our sessions, you will make your own journey drum. This will be your second heartbeat and a supportive guide for many years if you honor the spirit of the animal and the drum you have co-created with this being.

Join us in Ashland, Oregon for the Drum making class!
Tuition for the Drum Making Day $333

We each hold within us whole worlds previously unseen on this planet. What we once thought was impossible can be made manifest through conscious intention and activation of our unique creative codes. 

β€œLuis brings an uplifting and safe container to the space for journeying  , honoring the directions and the spirit protectors of the lands while asking permission to guide us into the realm of spirit, which is a very important key note for myself in feeling  open and being able to going deep in any Ceremony. β€œ

Sean H - Ojai, CA

Session 1: EARTH - Foundation

Ceremony Structure, Creating Sacred Space, Meeting Your Power Animal

Session 2: AIR - Communication

Toning, Prayer, Meditations, Communing with High Vibrational Teachers

Session 3: FIRE - Creativity

Plant Spirit Ally, Purification, Mountain Spirit, Activation of Creative Vision Codes


Session 5: SPIRIT - Graduation with Your Guides

Tuition ~ $1111 For Course

Drum Making Day $333

Both Together $1222

Payment options available 😊