This is the time to activate and fulfill your mission on planet earth; being a beacon of light in the world and helping to activate and show others how to live their highest potential.


Bring forth the leader within.

A true Reiki Master stands beside the lineage of light beings, great teachers and examples of love and compassion throughout all time. It is a gift to hold and share this light with the world.

One who embarks on the path of the teacher is really awakening the truth of their inner student. This is the receptive vessel for the higher truths and awareness that opens the doors leading to the co-creation of Heaven on Earth. It is through our will and wish to learn- and most importantly, to listen - that we tune into and activate our higher gifts and capacities for transmitting, sharing, and embodying Pure Light.


During this 6 month course, we will move through the 3 levels of Reiki, culminating with the Master Teacher level. We will move through the process of inner alchemy, step by step activating and transforming toward greater and greater embodiment of your highest self.

Through our personalized one on one sessions, we will identify your unique gifts and capacities of your fractal healing network. These are the power points of your divine being, the way you see, feel and work with the energy from the perspective of your soul. These are the gifts and empowerments your soul holds throughout all lifetimes. These are your gifts to the world.

Some people experience only Reiki level 2 or just level 1 in their entire lifetime and feel complete and comfortable working with that degree of energy. We are living in a time where all of our gifts are needed and called for. This course is calling in those beings are ready to step forward and contribute directly to the positive change in the world. Not only that, but you are being called to support and uplift others to do the same in their own way, just as you will bring this special change in your own way.

  • Certificates and official documents for All Three levels will be provided as well as support for launching your own Reiki School or system

  • Learn how to channel universal energy for healing and activation

  • Bring your extrasensory abilities online

  • Connect with other Reiki Masters and Practitioners and join the Team of thousands of activated beings in service to humanity, the Earth, and the plants, and animals and crystal kingdoms.

  • Connect to your guides and activate your dreams, begin to live the waking dream each and everyday

  • Learn to use Reiki with the 5 elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether)

  • Use Reiki to activate and connect to power places around the globe through direct or remotely via meditation


Tuition ~ $3333

Payment Options Available

Let’s Make This A REALITY in Your Life!

  • Transform your life and learn to open the door that help others transform their lives as well

  • Learn the Meditations and techniques of this worldwide healing system
    Learn to work with and identify the layers of the human aura and chakra system

  • Learn how to transform and support healing of traumas, past life issues, addictions, energetic blockages

  • Help yourself and those who you are in service to activate latent DNA and come into alignment with your soul purpose

  • Learn to conduct remote Reiki sessions through distance methods from across the globe.