My name is Luis and I help Creative Visionaries transmute limiting beliefs and embrace their Soul Purpose and Creativity to make Inspired Waves of Change in the World.

I believe that every being on this planet has a sacred purpose for embodying and when all embrace who we truly are our life becomes anew and the brilliance of who we are spreads and the world becomes the beautiful place we know it to be.

I have many ways that I serve the beings in my soul network. Some are called to be Healers and walk the Usui Shiki Ryoho (Reiki)Path.

I facilitate Shamanic Drum journey groups to help you vision and heal within your own inner Spiritual sanctuary with the Great Mystery.

I offer healing, activation, and transformational sessions to bring you home to who you are and change your inner world and the world around you.

I facilitate Transformational Retreats and offer coaching and mentorship Immersions to support you in the deep dives you need to truly take flight as the being you are born to be.

I am happy to serve you on your journey of becoming.

Thank you for showing up.

What brought you here?

It’s time to co-create this beautiful world into being! Are you ready ?